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Smile Designing: Types, Benefits, Treatments and Procedures

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Smile Designing: Types, Benefits, Treatments and Procedures
June 18, 2024

Someone once truly said, “Smile, and the world will smile back at you.” Your health and your relationships can both benefit from smiling more. So let’s start with a blog about smile designing with its benefits.

Benefits of Smile Design

Hormones like serotonin and endorphins are released, which reduce blood pressure and alleviate pain. However, not everyone feels comfortable smiling because of dental issues such as discoloration, cracks, protrusions, etc. Fortunately, smile design therapy in India can assist in fixing these issues.

Smile designing can help you get a beautiful smile which helps with your aesthetics, confidence level, and overall quality of life.

What is the Smile Design Procedure?

When you get a smile makeover, your dentist will use a variety of techniques to enhance the look and health of your teeth. A whiter, more confident, and more realistic smile can be yours with a smile design.

Types of Treatments Used for Smile Design

  • Crowns and bridges for the teeth
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Fixing and reshaping the gums
  • Composite Fillings
  • Veneers

Depending on the state of your teeth, dental crowns and bridges may be part of the smile design process.

What Is Involved In A Smile Design Procedure?

An initial consultation is the first step in a smile makeover. During this appointment, your dentist will assess your oral health and make recommendations for procedures to improve your smile. However, the cosmetic procedure cannot begin until the dentist has addressed any underlying dental problems.

For individualized recommendations based on a thorough evaluation of your condition, you should consult a skilled oral surgeon at the Prudental Clinic in Kothrud, Pune. The dentist will want to see pictures of you when you were younger or a special snapshot so they can get a feel for what you’re hoping to achieve during your first appointment. The total duration of treatment could range from three weeks to six months, depending on the operations included. A year or more may be required for a full renovation.

Smile Design Procedure: Who Should Get It?

Those living in India’s major cities or whose jobs require them to smile for the camera often undergo smile design treatments. Additional individuals who could benefit from smile-designing surgery are

  • Those whose goal is to appear younger.
  • Those who often experience dental issues.
  • Those who have chips or discoloration of teeth.

Is It Safe to Get a Smile Makeover in India?

Although some patients may have discomfort in the gums and teeth, there are no major side effects to smile design.

After undergoing treatment, what are the most important things for patients to do?

The dentist may recommend over-the-counter pain relievers and inflammatory reducers for your gums. For the first several days after treatment, they may also advise you to eat soft foods and stay away from fizzy beverages.


Smile Designing in Kothrud, Pune at Prudental can give you that infectious smile which will light up the world. Visit us today and get yourself started with a smile design procedure.